Speaking generally, a betta fish is mainly considered as an aquarium fish and is undoubtedly quite popular. However, some people prefer providing their betta fish with a more natural environment. To do so, one can start keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond.
There is absolutely no issue in keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond. Betta fish can live in an outdoor pond as long as all the necessary conditions are adequately met. Betta fish are pretty easy to take care of and are great for beginners. While preparing an outdoor pond for your betta fish, you should try to imitate the betta’s natural habitat by looking into factors like water temperature, water current, water quality, and other factors. However, making an outdoor pond for a betta fish may be a challenging task.
Keeping A Betta Fish in an Outdoor Pond
Betta fish can be kept in outdoor ponds, and keeping them in an outdoor pond is quite similar to keeping them in a regular tank. However, there are many other factors that you need to consider before deciding to prepare an outdoor pond for your betta fish.
Firstly, we need to understand whether or not it is the best idea to keep a betta fish in an outdoor pond. Betta fish can survive harsh conditions and are pretty hardy. They are natural fighters that are characterized by aggression. Thus, a betta fish in an outdoor pond may be a good idea.
Secondly, we should also understand what fish you can keep with your betta fish. It is known that male betta fish are way more aggressive and territorial than female betta fish. Thus, it would be best to keep this in mind while keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond.
Thus, male betta fish should not be kept together in the outdoor pond as it may result in confrontation and a possible fight between the two betta fish resulting in either of them getting hurt. Even if you decide to keep two male betta fish together, you should make sure that there is sufficient space between them.
On the other hand, female betta fish are capable of living in sororities. You can keep about five female betta fish in a 10-gallon space. There might still be a little friction, but it is pretty manageable, unlike male bettas.
Generally, it is advised not to keep two betta fish together due to possible aggression. Thus, you should look for other potential tank mates for your betta fish in the outdoor pond. Some suitable tank mates for your betta fish are:
- Kuhli Loaches
- Cory Catfish
- Ember Tetras
- Neon Tetras
- Guppies
- Mollies
- Shrimps
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Plecos
Requirements For Betta Fish In Outdoor Pond
Keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond is quite similar to keeping them in a tank. However, there are other conditions you need to consider before preparing an outdoor pond for your betta fish. Here are some requirements you need to fulfill.
Pond Size
To make sure that there are no possible signs of aggression, you need to ensure that your betta fish is provided with enough space to swim in. It would help if you looked to prepare an outdoor pond for your betta fish at least 100 gallons.
This will make sure that not only does your betta get enough space to swim in, but also it becomes less probable for any confrontation and aggression by the betta fish. If you want to house multiple fish with your betta fish in an outdoor pond, you need to prepare a large pond.
However, if you do not like the idea of such a big pond, there are always other options. You can also look for medium-sized tubs or planters to keep your betta fish in. Just make sure that you can add all the necessary equipment to these.
Water Temperature
Betta fish generally like tropical conditions and warm water. A water temperature ranging between 76 and 82 degrees F is considered ideal for a betta fish. You can add a heater to your outdoor tank to ensure that the water temperature falls within this range.
You should check the water temperature periodically to make sure it is at the optimum level. Refrain from preparing the outdoor tank under direct sunlight as it may cause the pond water to overheat. You can also try growing algae near the pond to moderate the water temperature in the pond.
Filtration System
Similar to an average betta tank, a proper water filtration system needs to be installed in your outdoor pond too. Any sponge-based or under gravel filter may do the work. An efficient filtration system ensures a steady flow of water inside the pond that is suitable for your betta fish.
Make sure to get a filter that promotes both biological and mechanical filtration. Biological filtration ensures that all the excess ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, chlorine, chloramine, and other harmful elements are kept in check. Mechanical filtration removes all the leftover debris, fish waste, and sediments from the pond.
Decor & Substrate
Betta fish are pretty fond of hiding places within a tank. Therefore, you can add a certain amount of decors to ensure that your betta fish is provided with enough hiding places. You can add live plants, driftwood, caves, etc., as decors to your outdoor pond.
You can use either a sand-based substrate or a gravel-based substrate in your outdoor pond. Betta fish sometimes dig in the substrate. A sand-based substrate makes it easier for the betta fish to explore as compared to the gravel. However, a gravel-based substrate is easier to maintain as compared to the sand.
FAQs Related to Betta Fish in an Outdoor Pond
Can betta fish survive outside?
As long as all the necessary conditions are met, a betta fish in an outdoor pond is a good idea. However, there is always a possibility that a predator tries to prey on your betta fish.
How long can a betta fish survive in an outside pond?
A betta fish can survive for about 30 minutes to 5 hours outside water, depending on the conditions.
How many fish can be kept in a 100-gallon pond with a betta fish?
The number of fish you can keep with your betta fish in a 100-gallon tank depends on the type of fish you are adding to the pond. You can also have different combinations of fish with your betta fish.
Final Thoughts
Thus, even though it may be quite an overwhelming task, keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond is gratifying. As long as the conditions are adequately met, you should not face any problems. Keeping a betta fish in an outdoor pond is recommended.