Though betta fish breeding is a tricky task, it can be done in a tank environment. You can breed betta fish in your aquarium. How to go about the tank setup for breeding purposes? How long are betta fish pregnant?
Technically speaking, a female Betta fish is a spawning betta fish. This means her eggs are laid and then fertilized by the male, implying she will never be truly pregnant. Many people refer to their Betta fish as “pregnant” when carrying the eggs because they appear bloated.
Signs of Fertility in Female Betta Fish
A few visible indications and symptoms indicate whether or not your female Betta fish is ready to lay eggs. This is important to determine exactly how long betta fish are pregnant. A fertile Betta fish will have white vertical stripes on her body while she is laying eggs.
You may detect a round white spot on the tummy of your female betta fish if she is already carrying her eggs. An ovipositor is an egg-laying organ located between her ventral fins. Her eggs will be released from the ovipositor, and the underside of a pregnant betta’s belly will bulge and appear full.
On the other hand, a male betta fish ready to mate would create bubble nests in his tank. If your male Betta has built a bubble nest, now is the moment to put the female into the tank. Do not make the mistake of adding your female betta beforehand, as betta behavior is unexpected.
You can presume your betta fish is carrying eggs if she is bloated, has white stripes, and has a visible white dot called the ovipositor. It is vital to remember that just because your female is carrying eggs does not mean she will give birth to a betta fry.
If the female Betta thinks the nest is perfect, she will let the male squeeze the eggs out of her ovipositor. If the female Betta is not impressed with the male’s efforts, she will let him know by demolishing the bubble nest.
How Long Are Betta Fish Pregnant?
Any unwanted eggs in a female betta fish’s tank will be expelled if she does not mate with a male Betta fish. If this happens, your Betta fish may appear less swollen and bloated. Betta fry will not hatch if the eggs are not fertilized.
The bubble nest has two functions. For starters, it aids a female in determining whether or not a male is a suitable partner for her. Before breeding, she will thoroughly inspect the nest. The nest also serves as a protective barrier for the eggs until they hatch.
You might be able to see tiny nibbles in the male betta fish’s bubble nest if the mating process was successful. If these flecks continue to grow in size, there is a high chance that the mating process was successful, and you will be having yourself a baby betta fry.
After the eggs have been placed, the male betta will spend the next few days caring for them and keeping the bubble nest in shape. Any eggs that fall to the bottom will be collected and returned to the nest by the male betta fish.
When you think the mating procedure is through, remove the female betta right away. The male develops a strong attachment to the bubble nest and will not hesitate to defend it against intruders. You can remove the female betta fish by putting back the tank divider or put her back in the previous tank.
How To Breed Betta Fish?
First and foremost, you must consider where you will add the betta fish you wish to mate. Betta fish are quite territorial. Therefore you will need at least two permanent betta fish tanks if you want to keep both male and female betta fish.
Male betta fish should be kept isolated from other males in their aquarium. However, male bettas can be kept with certain compatible tank mates. Females can be kept in sorority tanks, which are small groupings of females with a minimum number of female bettas of four.
A little larger aquarium is required to set up a betta fish breeding tank. An aquarium with a capacity of roughly 10 gallons is ideal. There should be no substrate in the betta breeding tank, but there should be many hiding places like leafy plants, driftwood, caves, etc.
You would want to make it engaging for your fish once you have a permanent tank built up to at least 10 gallons. Also, to ensure that the water temperature (between 76 and 82 degrees F) and the water flow are optimum, you must add a filter and a heater to your tank.
Additionally, it is also crucial to pick a location that does not get too much light. The betta fish breeding tank should not be dark, but neither should it be well lighted. The water in the betta breeding tank should be no more than five inches deep.
Provide nutrient-rich diets to both your betta fish – male and female, to help them prepare for the spawning process. Blood worms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and earthworms are examples of live foods that you can feed your betta fish. You can also feed quality betta flakes and betta pellets to your betta fish.
It is a good idea to use a hurricane glass or a tank divider to introduce your female betta fish to your male betta fish. This allows you to observe their interactions and predict how the mating process will proceed. Betta fish are unpredictable when it comes to breeding. Thus safeguards should be taken whenever feasible.
FAQs on How Long Are Betta Fish Pregnant
How long do betta eggs take to hatch?
Betta eggs hatch in two to three days on average. The fry, or tiny bettas, will squirm their way out of their eggs and fall from the nest. They will be collected and returned by the male betta as they cannot swim properly yet.
How many eggs do female bettas lay?
A female betta may lay about 100 to 500 eggs at a particular time. But chances of successful breeding are still low.
How do you know when a female betta is pregnant?
A pregnant female betta fish does not actually carry the fry but carries the eggs. The presence of white vertical stripes along the female betta’s body and bloating around the belly region are signs of fertility in bettas.
Final Thoughts
Thus, if you wonder how long betta fish are pregnant and exactly how to breed a betta fish, you need to condition your tank first. This makes it suitable for both your bettas to complete the mating process successfully.