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Are Platy And Betta Good Tank Mates?

platy and betta

It might be tough to find a proper tank mate for your betta fish as they are highly territorial and aggressive in nature. While there are some fish, you should never add them with your betta. There are others that will live peacefully with them. So are platy and betta compatible?

The issue with bettas is that their behavior and personality vary among individual bettas. In most situations, your betta will get along great with platies. However, ultimately the success of the tank will depend on the aggressive nature of the betta fish. Platies might be a fantastic choice if you think your betta is relatively timid in nature.

Can Platy And Betta Live Together?

As previously stated, provided specific criteria are met, platy and betta fish can coexist in the same tank. The essential thing to consider is your betta fish’s personality and temperament and how it reacts to the addition of a new tank member.

It is a known fact that male bettas are more aggressive than female bettas. Thus, female bettas, on the other hand, have a high chance of getting along with their tank mate if we are talking about platy and betta living together.

Apart from the betta’s behavior, it is also essential to consider whether a betta and platy get along. The optimum tank parameters, such as water temperature and pH, as well as each fish’s food demands, can be used to assess compatibility.

The tank’s condition is the most critical factor in how well the two tank mates get along. The temperature of the water, the pH level, the filtration system, and the quality of the water all have a part in the success of your tank. They may make good tank mates if the two fish are compatible in these areas.

Platy And Betta – Compatiblity Factors

Platy And Betta - Compatiblity Factors

Water Temperature

Fortunately, platy and betta like almost identical water temperatures. Betta fish require water temperature that is between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, you can see that bettas like warm water.
Platies, on the other hand, need water temperature that is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is pretty evident that both fish like somewhat warmer water, and their individual requirements carry sufficient overlap.

However, if the water temperature in the tank is too high or too low compared to the optimal range, your betta fish may get uncomfortable, thereby causing stress. As a result, it is crucial to keep the water at the right temperature.

Water pH Level

Platy and betta fish have quite similar water pH and temperature requirements. For betta fish, a pH range of 6 to 8 is necessary. As a result, bettas prefer somewhat acidic water. The pH of the water should be between 7 and 8.3 for platy. As a result, the two requirements have a fair amount of overlap.

The only issue regarding the water pH level is that betta fish can thrive in an acidic environment. Platy, on the other hand, has to be in a neutral environment. As a result, your platy may get stressed if the pH level of the water drops too low or the water becomes too acidic for your platy.

Tank Conditions

Platy And Betta tank condition

If you want to keep platies with your betta, you will need a tank that is at least 10 gallons. Platies are schooling fish. Therefore they cannot be kept alone. A 10-gallon tank would be ideal for a platy group of three and a betta.

If you want more, you will have to purchase a larger tank. If you do decide to purchase a group, keep in mind that you will need two females for every one male platy. If you have platies, a tank that favors width over height will benefit them greatly. In addition, three platys and a betta in a 10-gallon tank will have ample space to avoid each other.

Are betta and one platy in a 5-gallon tank possible? It is not recommended as bettas alone need at least 3 to 4 gallons of water to survive. You can keep red wag platy and male betta and mickey mouse platy and betta together.

However, both fish like a decorated tank. If you are going to put platies in your tank, make sure you have enough plants and decorations for them to hide in. Always keep in mind that adornments should never be excessively sharp. Otherwise, your betta’s skin and fins may be damaged if he rubs up against them.

Dietary Needs

Betta fish are born carnivores. Therefore, they need a high protein and meaty diet. An ideal betta diet consists of quality betta pellets, betta flakes, daphnia, frozen brine shrimps, and bloodworms.

As platies eat a lot of algae, make sure you are feeding them adequate plant-based food. Because the high vegetable fiber aids their gastrointestinal tract, you must meet their demands.

Platies can swim quicker than bettas, so make sure your betta receives enough food when you are feeding them. Platies may get aggressive during feeding time and will eat all of the food if they can.

Will Betta Fish Attack A Platy?

Bettas are usually aggressive toward fish that look like them. As a result, stay away from fish with long flowing tails and a lot of vivid colors. Platies, unlike bettas, do not have long flowing tails, and while they can be vibrantly colored, it is usually not in a way that bothers your betta.

That said, if your betta is aggressive, it is possible that he will not get along with your platies, and you will have to remove them. If you observe platy nibbling on your betta’s fin, you must remove it from the tank. Otherwise, the additional stress may weaken your betta’s immune system, making him vulnerable to a variety of illnesses.

FAQs Related to Keeping Platy and Betta Together

How long do platies live?

Platies can live up to 5 years on average if proper care is taken of them. However, generally speaking, platies only live for about two years in a restricted environment.

Can betta fish eat platy babies?

Platies can breed out of control. However, you need not worry as betta fish can eat platy babies to fulfill their protein demands.

Can platy eat betta food?

YES. Platy can eat betta food. They are relatively swift swimmers, and thus you need to make sure that your betta fish also fulfills his food requirements.

Final Thoughts

If you want platy and betta in your tank, a few platies will surely spice things up. Just keep in mind that if you have an aggressive betta fish, you may need to relocate the platy to a new tank. Thus, it ultimately depends upon the temperament of the betta.