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All About The Biggest Betta Fish In The World

biggest betta fish in the world

Betta fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish out there. There are over 70 different varieties of betta fish available. Each type of betta fish has other characteristics and features. One of the most unique and the biggest betta fish in the world is the Giant Betta Fish or betta anabantoides.

Giant betta fish, as the name suggests, is a little bigger than your normal betta fish. They are selectively bred species made by breeding the biggest male betta fish and the biggest female fish together. By continuing such breeding, larger and larger betta fish may be produced. Giant betta fish is quite easy to take care of and requires a little different water condition than that of a normal betta fish.

Anabatoides – The Biggest Betta Fish In The World


Betta anabatoides or as they commonly called the Giant betta fish, are the largest type of betta fish and are certainly the biggest betta fish in the world. An average betta fish can grow only up to about 2.5 inches in length.

A giant betta fish, on the other hand, can grow up to 5 inches in length. Thus, they are over twice as big as an average betta fish. It is quite evident that they are rightfully named the Giant Betta Fish. However, betta anabatoides are not naturally produced.

The first-ever Giant betta fish was produced in 1999 when a few experts cross-bred the largest male betta fish and the largest female betta fish they could find. From that time onward, consistent breeding of such giant betta fish continued that in turn produced larger and larger betta fish.

A giant betta fish is quite similar to a normal betta fish, except when we talk about certain tank conditions and possible tank mates. They are quite easy to take care of and have a beautiful and showy appearance. The giant betta fish is certainly the biggest betta fish in the world and would be a great fit for your tank.

Keeping The Biggest Betta Fish In The World

Having discussed a little about the giant betta fish, let us now highlight a few key points to remember before adding an anabatoide to your tank. Giant betta fish, being selectively bred, need appropriate tank conditions to stay healthy.

These tank conditions include various factors like water temperature, water pH level, water quality, water current, and overall tank setup. You need to make sure that all these conditions are met properly to ensure that your betta fish does not get stressed.

Water Parameters

The water parameters generally comprise of two factors – water temperature and water pH level. Both these factors are crucial in promoting the overall well-being of the betta fish. Thus, you need to make sure that these two are at the optimum level.

A giant betta fish, like a normal betta fish, requires warm water to swim in. They require a water temperature ranging between 76 and 82 degrees F. You can make sure that the water temperature is within this range by checking the water temperature using a thermometer and regulating the temperature by installing a working store-bought water heater.

Even though the giant betta fish is the biggest betta fish in the world, they are not that hardy of a fish. They require a water pH level ranging between 6.5 and 7.5. Anything above or below this range can cause stress to your betta fish. You can purchase a water pH kit from any store to check the water pH level in the tank.

Tank Requirements

Keeping The Biggest Betta Fish In The World

When we talk about the tank requirements, the tank size is the first thing that comes to mind. It is a known fact that we should allocate at least one gallon of water for every inch of a fish. A giant betta fish is about 5 inches in length needs at least a 5-gallon tank to swim in.

However, a larger tank is always recommended as it will be much easier to maintain a large tank owing to the delayed water changes and enough space for the betta fish to swim. Besides buying a large tank, you also need to add certain amounts of tank decors like plants, driftwood, caves, etc.

Adding tank decors ensure that your betta fish gets enough places to hide within the tank. Just make sure that the tank decors do not have sharp edges and hard surfaces as they can damage the sensitive fins of the betta fish.

Other than these requirements, you also need to make sure that your tank gets enough light during the daytime. No light is needed during the nighttime as betta fish sleep during that time. Avoid sunlight as it can raise the water temperature in your tank.

Dietary Needs

Giant betta fish, like any other betta fish, follow a carnivorous diet. Thus, a giant betta fish needs a diet that is high in protein. An ideal giant betta fish diet consists of quality betta pellets, betta flakes, frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.

Although you can feed betta pellets and flakes to your giant betta fish, it is generally recommended to feed only live food to your giant betta fish. Although they are the biggest betta fish in the world, this does not mean they can be overfed.

Overfeeding a betta fish can lead to bloating and constipation. It is advised to feed your betta fish only once or twice every day. If you are feeding only live foods, then you should feed them only once per day. You should feed your giant betta only that much amount of food which it can complete within about 45 seconds.

Ideal Tankmates For Giant Betta Fish

Betta fish are generally quite territorial. Therefore, it is pretty hard to pair them with other fish. However, this does not mean that your betta fish will always be alone. Even though the giant betta fish is the biggest betta fish in the world, certain fish can be kept with it.

Ideal tankmates for a betta fish majorly depend on your betta fish’s temperament and the tank conditions required by both the fish. Thus, if your betta fish is relatively peaceful and there is sufficient overlap between the required conditions for both the fish, then you can keep a tankmate for your betta fish.

Other than the temperament of the betta fish, here are some of the most suitable tankmates for your giant betta fish.

FAQs On The Biggest Betta Fish In The World

Which is the biggest betta fish in the world?

The giant betta fish can grow up to 5 inches in length. They are selectively bred species of betta fish and are certainly the biggest betta fish in the world.

How long do giant betta fish live?

A giant betta fish generally live for about 2 to 3 years in a tank. However, some betta fish have been seen to live for about five years as long as proper care is provided.

What are the signs that the giant betta is aging?

If you see your betta fish losing its fin color, becoming too sedentary, having lost its appetite, or fins getting clamped, then it may be a sign that your giant betta fish is aging.

Final Thoughts

With a size almost double that of a regular betta fish, the giant betta fish is undoubtedly the biggest betta fish in the world. They are no different than normal betta fish except for their size, and even though they are the biggest betta fish in the world, they are pretty easy to take care of.